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set stitches aside

by Janice Warren
(Toronto Canada)

if it says cut yarn and set piece aside, do I hold those stitches on a stitch holder?

I have knit 7 rows (sweater) and it tells me to cut yarn and set piece aside.
Then knit another 7 rows and knit across both pieces and join in the round. What would happen if I knit them all at once?

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Jul 05, 2021
Set stitches aside
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Janice,

Yes, you should cut yarn and then place those stitches on a holder so you can use the needle to knit the new section.

Or, you can hold the stitches on the current needle, cut yarn and start the next 7 rows and knit them back and forth without interrupting the stitches on hold. Once you get the next 7 rows done then you can join both pieces in round. This might be a little tricky because you have to make sure that you start the new section at the beginning of the needle on the right side (public side) of the stitches that are on hold. So that both pieces will be on the right side when joining them.

Thanks for the visit and the question.
Have fun knitting!


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