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Ripping out stitches

I just finished a 365 row "sky scarf" (knit a row using the colors in the sky for ea. day). I can't stand /desperately want to redo rows 1-30, when my work was sloppy and uneven (I'm a beginner!). ❓Can I rip out rows 1-30, stop when I get to row 31, and work it "backwards" back to row one? The whole scarf is garter stitch. I'm thinking the stitch will be upside down OR on the wrong side? OR... should I just re knit rows 1-30 and attach to row 31? If I re knit, how to attach? With a sewing slip stitch OR some joining knit stitch???❓

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Jan 01, 2021
Ripping out stitches.
by: Ratchadawan

Hello there,

Thank you for stopping by.
I think you can just take apart row 1-30. The ripping will be a little bit harder than usual because the yarn will catch each other at each ends. Make it so annoying. I would cut across row 29 If you don't care to save the yarn around that area. Then you would have mush lesser area to take apart.

To make up for row 30 - 1. You must work in opposite of knit, which is purl. So, you will purl all rows from row 30-1 and your piece will look the same.

Happy New Year!


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