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Ribbing on neckline of boys and girls vest

by Ria

Hello, I’m working on the necklinenof the boys and girls vest. I’m rather confused about round 1 when it says k1p1 to within 2 stitches of the center marker. SSK and then continue in p1k1. Then it says to repeat this round for 1 inch. Do I continue with the SSK on each round? Wouldn’t that make the neckline lopsided, as there is no corresponding decrease on the other side? Thank you for your help.

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Mar 26, 2019
by: Anonymous

Thank you, I saw that as soon as I had posted the question! I didn’t read it properly. Thank you for answering.

Mar 26, 2019
boys and girls vest
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Ria,

Yes, that would create a lopsided neckline for sure. I'm not sure what size you're making. I went back to look at the pattern size 22 and below is what I found.

"Rnd 1: Work in k1, p1 ribbing to within 2 sts of center marker, ssk, pm, k1, k2tog, work in k1, p1 ribbing to end of round.
Repeat rnd 1 for approx. 1 inch. Bind off loosely in ribbing."

The pattern should look like above. I'm sorry for the confusion. Please tell me which size your making. I will check for the correction.


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