Voliere yarns from Knit Picks

read pattern

by Jeannie
(Austin, TX, USA)

K1. K2tog. *K4. yo. K1. yo. Sl1. K2tog. psso. yo. K1. yo. K4.** Sl1. K2tog. psso. Rep from * to last 16 sts. Rep from * to ** once. Sl1. K1. psso. K1

row 12 I dont understand if I repeat from* to ** only one time for each repetition or only the first repetition or the last?

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Nov 30, 2023
K0 (1,2,3) p1, p2 tog, yo,p4
by: AnnieOfBlueGables

K0 (1,2,3) p1, p2 tog, yo,p4

How do you k0?


This mean the smallest size requires none of the knit stitch. The pattern has to add a number there to indicate how many time you have to knit. It will look odd to leave it blank, I think.

So to answer your question, You don't have to knit anything. You can just skip to p1 and the rest of the pattern.


Nov 04, 2023
read pattern
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Jeannie,

First do all this "K1. K2tog. K4. yo. K1. yo. Sl1. K2tog. psso. yo. K1. yo. K4. Sl1. K2tog. psso" and repeat them to the last 16 sts.

Then do this *K4. yo. K1. yo. Sl1. K2tog. psso. yo. K1. yo. K4* once, and sl1, k1, psso, k1.

Thanks for the question


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