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Raglan Decreasing

by Rina DeKouchay
(New Maryland, NB Canada)

I'm working on the back and I'm at the decrease for the Raglan. I'm doing the Medium size and I'm stuck on the following:

Fist it starts with,


Dec 2 sts at the beg of the next 2 rows.

Dec at each end as foll, 1 st in from edge.


{1 st twice every 2nd row, 1 st once every 4th row} 3 times and then 1 st 12 times every 2nd row.

Here's the pattern: http://knitsi.com/knitting-pullovers/242-jumper-and-snood-knitting-pattern

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Oct 18, 2016
Reglan decreasing.
by: Ratchadawan


I have to correct myself when I say knit one row then do dec the next row. I should say work one row (in your case it means purl because it is on the wrong side. So whenever I say knit one row or knit 3 rows, I mean to work according to your pattern, in this case knit on the right side and purl on the wrong side. Sorry for the confusion.


Oct 18, 2016
Raglan decreasing
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Rina

*You knit one row, then on the 2nd row you decrease one stitch at the beginning and at the end of the same row. One your size, it says to do this twice, so you repeat it one more time. You will knit another row, then the next row you decrease again on both end. The decreases parts will always be on the right side.

For the next part, you will need to dec on the next fourth row, so you knit 3 more rows, then dec again on the 4th row.* Always do the dec on both sides of the same row.

Then you will repeat *_* again 3 more times before you move on to the next part.

Does this make any sense? I hope I explain it well enough so that you can get it. I really hope so. Let me know if you still need help.


Oct 17, 2016
Raglan Decreasing
by: Anonymous

What I don't understand when it says "dec one st. on each side every 2nd row". I don't know when I need to decrease on the other end.

Do I knit the one row, then decrease one st at that end then pearl one row and decrease one st there.

Or, knit one row, pearl one row, decrease one st, knit one row, decrease one st., and pearl one row.

Rina DeKouchay

Oct 14, 2016
Raglan Decreasing
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Rina,

Thanks for visiting and I'm glad I can help (hopefully). It is a little bit confusing, isn't it? To make it less confusing, I'm going to rewrite it this way;

{Dec one st on each side every 2nd row 2 times, dec one st on each side every 4th row once} then repeat what's in { } again 3 times, then dec one st on each side every 2nd row 12 times. Now you should have 31 sts left altogether.

When doing the decrease, you should start out with k1 tbl, then k2tog tbl then work until you have the last 3 sts left, then do sl1, k1 psso, k1 tbl.

Note: I have to use this symbol "{ }" instead of a bracket because the bracket doesn't show up for some reason.

I hope this helps. Have a great day!


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