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Potato Chip Scarf - Can it be knitted with a thinner yarn?

by Helen
(Brookville, OH USA)

Potato chip scarf

Potato chip scarf

Question: I love the pattern but have a question ... could I use a thinner yarn? I have a lovely Araucania yarn that I got at a yarn gathering ... but it's for size 4-5 needles. How do I or can I use this for potato chip scarf?

thank you so much,



Answer: Hello Helen, Thanks for visiting. I think you can knit potato chip scarf with just about any yarn that is not too thick and bulky. I think the smaller gauge yarn might turn out very nice actually because it is less stiff. I feel very confident that your scarf will turn out very beautiful with Araucania yarn. I would use a bit bigger needle than what the yarn suggested to loosen it up a bit, but it is totally up to you.

You can adjust the width of the potato chip scarf easily by increasing the number of cast on stitches if you need to.

I can't wait to hear how the scarf turns out!
Good luck and happy knitting,


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