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picking up stitches

by jean

what does it mean when it says pick up 41 stitches evenly along right side of neck 42 stitches from 50 cast of stitches at back of neck and 41 stitches evenly along left side of neck 124 sts

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Jan 27, 2020
Shape left neckline
by: Ratchadawan

It sounds like you're doing it correctly. Knit 20 and then turn the work.


Jan 25, 2020
shape left neckline
by: Carole Dean

The instructions say - knit 20 and turn
leave remaining stitches on a stitch holder

I need clarification please that I literally knit 20 and then turn the knitting round

Jan 23, 2020
Picking up stitches for neck line
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Jean,

It means to form new sts based on the existing sts along the neck edges of right, left and back of body pieces.

For your instruction, you need to pick up and knit 41 sts from the right front, 42 sts from back ( you have to skip some sts to make sure the 41 sts are pick up evenly on the back) and 21 sts from the left. You will have 124 sts total on the needle.

Here is a video showing how to pick up stitches along the neck edge. It's to give you some idea of how to it.

Happy needling!

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