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Pick Up And Knit Along Armhole Edge - Setting In sleeves

My pattern says to pick up stitches along armhole edge between underarm m. Do not join. Work even in st st for 1" ending with a WS row. Is there an easier way to help me understand this??

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May 15, 2018
Pick up stitches along armhole edge
by: Ratchadawan


Starting at the center of underarm, with circular needles pick up and knit to the end of row. Don't join in round. Working back and forth in stockinette stitch for 1 inch. Ending with the wrong side row (Purl row).

Please see a video on how to pick up and knit below;

And some helpful tip here;

Thank you for visiting and I hope my suggestion helps.
Happy knitting!


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Samia Yarn from Knit Picks

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