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Pattern and slip 21 stitches

by Vickie
(Melbourne, Australia)

I’m knitting a cable jumper (sweater) for 10 yr old girl with front pocket (cable panel). For the front I’ve completed the rib band and 8 rows of cabling (middle panel) and moss stitch to either side. There are 85 stitches at this point. Then the pattern reads:

“Last 8 rows set cable panel and double moss stitch. Working in cable panel and double moss stitch (throughout) proceed as follows.
Divide for front pocket.
Next Rows (rs): Patt and slip 21 stitches onto stitch holder, s1, Patt 41, k1, turn, leaving remainder 21 sts on needle”.

Question 1. I’m assuming the pattern is the 8 rows and so I start from row 1 again of the cabling/moss stitch pattern?

Question 2. What does “Patt and slip 21 sts” mean and how is it done? I really don’t understand this. Do I slip first 21 sts of row 9 onto the stitch holder, without knitting anything? (If so, why does it have Patt at the beginning?). Then I assume I knit the middle cable panel as per row 1 of the 8 row pattern for 42 sts and leave the last 21 sts on a stitch holder, so that I work the cable panel for the front pocket?

Question 3. Just want to confirm that Patt 41 means to keep the pattern going for 41 sts from st 23, as per the same 41 sts in Row 1 of the 8 row pattern?

I’ve not done anything this complicated before but my daughter loves this jumper. I’m finding the cabling fun to do and not too hard but I’m just having a bit of trouble with this part of the instructions.

Thank you!

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Apr 28, 2020
Thank You!
by: Anonymous

Thank you so much for your advice.
Really appreciate the fast turn around!!
Great for us down under - post a question at night, have the answer the next day to continue knitting in the evening.
You’re amazing!
Take care

Apr 28, 2020
Thank You!
by: Anonymous

Thank you so much for your advice.
Really appreciate the fast turn around!!
Great for us down under - post a question at night, have the answer the next day to continue knitting in the evening.
You’re amazing!
Take care

Apr 27, 2020
pattern and slip 21 stitches
by: Ratchadawan

Hello Vickie,

Thanks for the questions. Here are my responses;

"Question 1. I’m assuming the pattern is the 8 rows and so I start from row 1 again of the cabling/moss stitch pattern? "

Answer: yes, you keep repeating row 1-8 of the cable pattern and maintain the moss stitch pattern.

"Question 2. What does "Patt and slip 21 sts" mean and how is it done? I really don’t understand this. Do I slip first 21 sts of row 9 onto the stitch holder, without knitting anything? (If so, why does it have Patt at the beginning?). Then I assume I knit the middle cable panel as per row 1 of the 8 row pattern for 42 sts and leave the last 21 sts on a stitch holder, so that I work the cable panel for the front pocket?"

Answer: This means at the beginning of row 9, you work the first 21 sts in (seed st) pattern and then slip them off on to a stitch holder. Yes, then you work the middle 42 sts as a cable pattern starting from row 1 of the pattern again. Leave the last 21 sts on a stitch holder while working back and forth with the middle 42 sts.

"Question 3. Just want to confirm that Patt 41 means to keep the pattern going for 41 sts from st 23, as per the same 41 sts in Row 1 of the 8 row pattern?"

Answer: Yes, you've got it. but you start out with the 22 nd stitch because you will need to put the first 21 sts on the holder.

Have fun making the jumper. It will be beautiful!


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