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Not sure how to follow the part for neck

Making a Patons Canadian Sweater, I finished the back, & did the beginning of the neck. So I k 8, put remaining separate needle. Dec 1 st at each neck edge on next 2 rows, then on alt rows twice more. At same time, dec 1 st at raglan edge on every alt row to 2 sts. Next row, work 2tog. Fasten off. Do they mean bind off

I have tried putting the instructions on here, but it won't let me.

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Apr 13, 2021
Fasten Off
by: Ratchadawan


Fasten off is a way to secure the last stitch by running the yarn through the last loop and pull tight.

You can cut the yarn but leave it long enough to sew the sleeve and then run the yarn through the loop of the last stitch.

I'm not sure if you wanted to ask about the decreases part as well. It sounded like you've got it done.

Thanks for the question and visit.
Have fun knitting!


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