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neck shaping

by Susan

I am knitting a sweater for Barbie and have a question regarding front neckline shaping. There are 21 stitches to start and you are supposed to knit first 6 stitches and then join another yarn to bind off 5 center stitches and then finish row. I am trying to figure out how to do this since I need 6 stitches on the other side to match. From my count there are 9 center stitches. The math does not add up. Any suggestions would be helpful. Thank you. Susan

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Jun 02, 2022
neck shaping
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Susan,

That's interesting!

Are you sure there isn't any armhole bind off before this? If not then, it Looks like it need some adjustments.

I guess I would decrease the neck bind off to 7 sts instead of 9 and then move the extra 2 sts the left and right sides. all 3 sections would have 7 sts each.

How does that sounds to you?

Thanks for sending in the question.


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