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My cast on row broke!!!! after the afghan was 4 ft completed!

by Lynn Johnson
(Monterey, CA, USA)

My original row, the foundation row at the bottom of the four foot long afghan I have been working on ….broke! I was worried that it was too tight, I forgot to CO with 2 needles. So I stretched it gently, but it broke. Is there anything I can do to fix this tragedy??

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Sep 05, 2019
Cast on row broke
by: Ratchadawan

you're welcome. Forgot to tell you to knit some rows before cast off to make up for the rows you cut off.

Aug 17, 2019
OMG!! Thank you!!!
by: Lynn Johnson

Dear Ratcha!!!!! Thank you soooo much for your advice ! I was in such shock I didn't know what to do!! I will save this project with your guidance! I really appreciate it! thank you soo much! Happy Knitting!

Aug 16, 2019
Cast on row broke
by: Ratchadawan

Oh, no! I'm sorry to hear that. But don't worry. There is a way to fix this. You can turn your work up side down and start picking up stitches a row or two below the cast on row. Use smaller circular needle to pick them up all the way through and then cut yarn and ravel the unusable rows away. Join yarn and cast off.

I hope this strategy will work out for you. Thank you for sending in your question and visiting.


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