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Measurements for Girl Skirt In Simple Stokinetter Stitch

by Kellie

girl skirt

girl skirt

Can you tell me the measurements for this skirt? I want to make it for my daughter but she's older than these girls are.

Easy Summer Knitting Pattern
Girl Skirt In Simple Stockinette Stitch.


Answer: Hi Kellie,

The girl skirt can be customized to fit girl any ages. Once you get the waist measurement and the gauge right, you should have any problem making a skirt that fit your daughter. I would suggest you buy extra skein of yarn so that you can make your skirt as long as you like, just knit each tier a little longer than suggested pattern.

Hope this help.

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Mar 27, 2013
Lovely skirt..
by: kay atkinson

I am going to knit this for my 5 yr old granddaughter, it looks so cute.. thank you..x


Thank you, Kay. don't forget to send me a picture when you're done. I'll put it on the site.


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