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lace pattern multiples

How do I work a lace pattern (multiples 7+3) over 108 stitches? The pattern is *K3, YO, SSK, K2tog, YO repeat from * to last 3 sts. Next row is *K1, P1, K1, P4 repeat from * to last 3 sts. These 2 rows continue 3 more times. I seem to be coming up with more stitches at the end after knitting the first 2 rows.

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Jan 19, 2021
Lace pattern multiples
by: Ratchadawan


Thank for visiting and sharing your question with us.
It's not easy working with lace. It takes a lot of patience and concentration. It's easy to make mistakes.

I'm not sure what causes more stitches on your work but there is sure a mistake somewhere along the way causing increasing in stitches.

The best solution I can think of right now is to use stitch markers. Place them at every or 14 sts and use a different color for the beginning of a row. This way you can see mistake right away if you have one.

Take care and have fun knitting!

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