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Knitting instructions

by Inbal levi


I'd like to start to knit something but i can't understand the instructions. What does this mean: row 1: p5 (6:6:7:7) k8.... whats going on inside the brakets?

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Jan 11, 2022
knitting instruction - how to read a pattern
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Inbal,

Each number given on row 1 represents different sizes of the pattern. It rank from smallest, p5, to largest p7. The numbers in the parenthesis represent number of purl stitches. If you're the smallest size, you would do p5 and if you're the second size up, you would do p6 and so forth.

In this pattern, you have 5 different sizes to pick. You'll see these number throughout the pattern. You'll always work with the numbers that are in the same position. Before you begin knitting, you should go through the pattern and circle all of the numbers for your size.

Here is a good article to read about how to understand and read a pattern.

Thanks for visiting and question. Have a good evening!


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