Voliere yarns from Knit Picks


by Donna C
(Wilmington MA USA)

After the 9th row (K16. Inc 1 st in next st. K4. Inc 1 st in next st. Knit to end of row.
Knit 3 rows even.) it reads the following:
Cont in this manner, inc 2 sts on next and following 4th rows until there are 48 sts.

I currently have 42 stitches. How am I inc the stitches? Is it the same way as it says for the 9th row and do I do the 3 knitted rows after each increase?

This is shaping the thumb by the way.. :)

Thank you
Donna C


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Jun 02, 2017
Thank you
by: Donna C

Awesome.. Thank you. I will post pic when I'm finished.

Jun 02, 2017
Bernat Spa Mittens
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Donna,

Yes, you understood it correctly. You keep repeating the increase row and the 3 knit rows until you get 48 sts. in another word, Increase 2 sts every 4th rows.

Have fun! The mittems look great. Unfortunately I can't publish the photo here. I will wait to see yours if you send me one. I will put you mittens photo here.

Thank you for visiting and questioning,


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