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Knitting a hood

by Elaine

I have come to the top of a hood and the instructions are to knit 49 stitches ssk turn.
Next rows sli pwise p23 p2tog turn
Next row sl1 kwise k23 ssk turn
Next row sl1 pwise p23 p2tog turn

Now the problem comes
Rep all last two rows until all the side stitches are worked 25 sts remain
Break yarn leaving all sts on hold

I have three sections now and the middle section has 25 stitches and the sides have 24 and 23 each. What am I meant to do?

Leave all stitches on hold and pick them up when I do the garter edging or cast off the side stitches and leave the 25 in the middle section and use them only for the edging. Please help. Thanks

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Jun 02, 2017
knit a hood
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Elain,

I would leave all sts from all 3 sections on holders and pick them up when adding the garter edging.

Thank you for sending in your question.
Have a great day!


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