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Knitted bands

Although I have been knitting for many years and can follow complicated patterns I am still unsure what constitutes "slightly stretched" when knitting front bands, how much shorter than the garment should the band be made.

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Jan 03, 2023
Knitted Bands
by: Ratchadawan

Hi there,

I'm with you on this. I'm afraid I can't answer you this question. As as experienced knitter like yourself, I think you can make a good decision to the type of band you'd like. I don't think the front band will look good if it's look too short or too long than the body. I always like to make the bands the same length as the front.

Sorry I can't be a much helper at this. You can try posting at knittingparadise.com. There are lots of expert knitters there.

Thanks so much for visiting. Happy New Year.


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