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Knit left and right front sides

by Jennifer

I am following this pattern and the instruction for knitting the left and right side tell me to work the same pattern I followed for the back once. Isn't this strange? Shouldn't I follow the same pattern until both left and right side reach the same length of the back piece? Instead instruction tell me to repeat the back pattern only once.

Also, what does it mean to reverse shaping for the right front?

Thanks, I am getting very confused here!

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Apr 22, 2024
knit left and right front side
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Jennifer,

I can't read the pattern from the photo you sent. I think my web host compressed it down too much. You can retake it and send it to me at; ratchachambers@to-knit-knitting-stitches.com.

There must be a reason for this but I don't know what. Maybe you work another pattern after this set.

Reverse shaping means you're creating the mirror image of the shaping you did for the left front. For example, if you decreased stitches on the left front to shape the neckline at the beginning of a row, you would decrease stitches on the right front at the end of the row. It's about making sure both sides of the garment match up properly.

Will look for your photo.

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