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Keeping a pattern in line

I am an absolute beginner in knitting and am knitting a child’s jumper. I am at the raglan shaping stage. How do I keep the pattern correct whilst decreasing. I have tried to do it but feel I may have ruined it.

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Sep 26, 2023
by: Anonymous

I am struggling to understand the next part of my pattern.

Please can you help out in similar form.


Join both shoulder seams together.how do I rejoin them
With R/S facing slip 6 sts from right front holder
On to right needles. Rejoin yarn and pick up and knit 13 sts up right side of front neck. K across 32 sts on back holder then pick up & knit 13 sts down left side of front neck and K across 6 sts on left front holder. 70 sts

Work in garter sts until collar measures 20 cm ending RS for next row

First sew shoulder seams (please look up YouTube on how to join shoulder seams.)
Then transfer 6 sts from a holder of the right front to a circular needle, then pick up 13 sts along the left neck with a new yarn. (please look up pickup and knit on YouTube). Then knit off 32 sts from back holder, then pick up 13 sts down the left neck and then knit off the 6 sts from the left holder.

Now you can work back and forth in garter st. as directed.
Sorry if this is not very clear. I can't do a video right now.

Thank you for understanding.

Sep 22, 2023

by: Ratchadawan

Congratulation for taking on such as challenging job! This is a tough one. Making mistakes are parts of learning experiences.

You can carefully Unravel to where the mistake is and redo it.
I’m not sure how well I can help you here but I will try.
Use the pattern chart and previous row as guidances when you decreases. Continue with the cable pattern and make sure to decrease on right side. I would use stitch markers to mark both ends and move them inwards with each decrease.

I’m not sure if this is helping you at all but I sure hope you figure this out and on your way to finish this beautiful sweater.


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