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k1, ssk, yo and repeat to end

by Peggy Foister
(south carolina, usa)

Please help! I am just learning to knit and have made a few hats that weren't terribly awful so I decided to try my hand at an infinity scarf. All was going well till the instructions stated, K1, SSK, YO repeat to end. I understand the knit 1, I understand the slip slip knit but what do I do with the yarn over? Do I yo during the k1 or should I be doing something special with the ssk? Thanks so much

Peggy Foister
(email removed for privacy)

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Oct 09, 2018
k1, ssk, yo and repeat to end
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Peggy,

Thank you for visiting and question.
After SSK, you do "YO" by bringing yarn in to front of work and then continue with k1 while the yarn is still in the front. When you do the k1, you bring the yarn over the right needle, wrap yarn around the needle and knit. This will make a hole or an eyelet. Don't be alarm if you see this hole. It's not a mistake. Then proceed to ssk and yo again.

It is much easier to understand with this video demonstration Here is a video on how to do "YO".

Have fun knitting!

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