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Increasing stitches in a sleeve


The pattern instructs inc 1 st at each end of next 15th and every foll 20th row to 57 sts, then on every foll 22nd row until there are 65 sts.

I am not sure if I should increase on row 20 then 40 etc or row 35 then 55 etc



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Jun 20, 2020
increasing stitches in a sleeve
by: Ratchadawan


This is the way I understand it;
*First, increase on row 15 and then again on 20 rows following which is on row 35. Then repeat from * until you have 57 sts. Then increase on every following 22nd row until there are 65 sts.

So, you first set of increase rows should look like this;

15, 35, 50, 70, 85, 105, ect...I don't know how many sts you are starting with so I don't know the stopping point.

Then the second set of increase is on every 22nd row until you reach 65sts.

I hope I understand correctly. Thank you for sharing your question with us.

Have a great day!


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