Voliere yarns from Knit Picks

Increase row

by Sherry

Starting with 75 sts pattern reads
P5, Inc in next st, *p3, Inc in next st, rep from * to last 5 sts, p to end
Should have 92 sts

When I did this I did not have 5 sts remaining to p. And I ended up with 97 sts. What am I doing wrong?

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Jan 13, 2025
inc in pattern
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Sherry,

Thank you for the question.

I'm not sure exactly how you ended up with 97 sts. There are mistakes somewhere in there. You can double-check and make sure you have 16 sets of (p3, inc) and then 6 sts at the beginning and 5 sts at the end.

Here is how I break it down Step-by-Step;

P5, Inc → uses 6 stitches (5 + 1 increase).
16 repeats of (P3, Inc) → each repeat uses 4 stitches.
16 × 4 = 64 stitches.
Total used so far: 6 + 64 = 70 stitches.
75 - 70 = 5 stitches remaining → exactly enough to P5 at the end.

Stitch Count Check:
Each increase adds 1 stitch.
1 from the first Inc, and 16 from the repeats → 17 increases total.
75 + 17 = 92 stitches (matches the pattern).

best regards,

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