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Increase on teddy body

The instructions read -
M1B 5x every second round and 1x in the following 4th round after 1 St and before last st on each needle.
I’m using 4 needles with 4 st on each needle.
So I have just cast on the 16 st onto the 4 needles
So I am now going to knit one full round.
After that do I k1 increase into back once then knit the next 2 stitches then increase into back then k1 and then do same on next needle etc. to complete round then knit another round and then do more or less same again.

Or knit one round then next round do the following-
K1 increase into back 1,2,3,4,5 times then kn2 then increase into back 1,2,3,4,5, times k1 and then do same on next needle so on this round I would now have 56 stitches?

In other words is the x5 all done in one row or is the x5 referring to the repetition 5 times of the set of 2 row.
Sorry does all this make sense

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Apr 02, 2020
Teddy bear's body increases
by: Ratchadawan


Your first scenario is correct. Do the M1B on each end of each needle (after 1 stitch and one before last st.) every 2nd round for 5 times and then on 4th round one time.

"5 times" in this case means to repeat every 2nd round increase not increase 5 times in each round.

Thank you for your question. Have fun making Teddy!


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