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Ideas for Blanket borders to prevent curling

by Ken Denta
(Valparaiso, IN)

seed stitch border sample

seed stitch border sample

I want to knit a long term blanket in stockinette stitch with fingering weight yarn. Need suggestions for beginning and ending the bottom, top, and sides to prevent curling.

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May 15, 2023
ideas for blanket borders to prevent curling
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Ken,

My favorite border to use for blanket is the seed stitch. Make 2 " border for the large blanket or an inch for a smaller blanket. To do the seed stitch border, you cast on odd number of stitches and then do k1,p1 repeatedly all the way to the end of the rows, ending with k1. Then on the next row and every row after, you k the purl sts and p the knit stitches. Once you get the length of the border you want then you can stop doing the bottom part but instead focus on the side. Use markers where the side border ends and begins.
Here is a video to show you a sample of the seed st border;

The second one that I like is a garter border.

Here is an example of it;

Thanks for the question and I hope you find a type of border you like.


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