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I ended up with too many stitches

Hi my name is Bridget. When i knit my pattern of one particular row i finish up with one stitch too many
This is the pattern. there are only 22 stitches in the pattern.

k2.tog, twice...y.f.,k.i. 3 times. y.f.o.n..,s.k.p.o.twice.

thank you Bridget.

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May 23, 2020
too many stitches - problem found
by: Ratchadawan

Hi again,

I think I found the problem. Maybe we both did the same mistake.

Look at the " yfon (skpo) twice" part, some how, I saw this as "(yfon, skpo) twice but actually it supposes to be like this; "yfon, skpo, skpo," No wonder I got one sts extra too. Did you do it the way I did too?

Okay, let's rewrite this pattern so that we can have 22 sts total.

Here it is;

Row1: K2tog, k2tog, yf, k1, yf, k1, yf, k1, yfon, skpo, skpo, k11.
Row 2: Purl.

Yay!! The problem is solved.
Thank you for getting back to me. I didn't realized I made a mistake.

Happy knitting!


May 22, 2020
Too many stitches
by: Anonymous

Hi its Bridget again thank you for getting back to me. I understand what your saying. But there is only 2 rows to the pattern. The stitches I sent you are (k2tog.) twice (yf k1) 3times. Yfon. (skpo) twice. K11. That's should be 22 stitches but I have 23. Next row is purl. And the next row is the pattern row again and I keep increasing stitches all the time. Thank you Bridget.

May 22, 2020

by: Ratchadawan

Hi Briget,

The pattern you wrote above it's looking strange.
I think you meant to write it like this;

[k2tog] twice[yf,k1] 3 times. yfon[skpo]twice.

According to this pattern, there are 11 stitches to start with. Then after you finish the pattern, you should end up with 12 sts. So, you should gain an extra stitch. You didn't make a mistake.

Some patterns are like that, they gain during increase and then when you move on to next row it will decrease back. I had knitted a scallop edge pattern once that have different sts count on certain rows.

Thanks for the question.
Take care,


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