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I don't understand knitting instruction - baby romper straps

by Karen Goode

I'm making a baby romper in garter stitch. I'm on the back, "work straps". The last row I completed was, K8, bind off 24 sts, k to end. Now I"m stuck. I don't understand the next row's instructions. It says: "Work on first set of 8 sts. Leave rem 8 sts on a holder. Work 30 rows in garter stich."

Can you please explain?

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Nov 29, 2020
baby romper straps
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Karen,

Thanks for visiting and questioning.
Now that you have 2 sets of 8 sts on each side of the back.

what this means it that you will now work separately on each side of the 8 sts strap.

You now can knit the first 8sts off the needle. Take a pause, and grab your stitch holder. Slip the 8 sts on the other side (the side the is without the yarn attached) and place them on a holder.

Now return to the first set of 8sts that you just knit and knit 29 more rows. ( I guess you bind off after that, I'm not sure. Check you direction.)

Next, place the stitches from a stitch holder on to a needle and work 30 rows on garter sts.

I hope I explain it good enough that you can follow.

Have a great day!


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