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I can not understand directions - Kelly Kit Aran Sweater

by Marie
(Spring Hill, Fl. USA)

I recently purchased a Kelly kit with yarn from Aran sweater Market in Ireland. I have in the past made many sweaters, and understood the directions. This one has me baffled. I will start with the first Diamond panel of 22 rows

Diamond Panel (16sts)

1 P6 C4L P6

2 and all back rows follow sts. what does this mean??? all back rows follow sts?

3 P5 C3R(P) C3L(K) P5 etc.... I understand the rest.

continue on next problem, Repeat these 22 rows Ok I understand that, but the next direction follows is another Diamond Panel of (18 sts) and 26 rows that need to be repeated, also to (all back rows follow sts.) and to repeat the 26 rows. Its just not coming together in my mind. 96 rows altogether is not long enough, 22+22+26+26+=96
I called Aran sweaters many times and they will not help me.

I would appreciate any help, I'm making this sweater for my 2 sons and Godson.
Thank you

Marie Kelley

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Jun 01, 2024
Thank God I found you!
by: Karen G

I'm so glad I found all you lovely people! I was searching "reading Irish knitting patterns vs American knitting patterns." I purchased the Aran Sweater Market pattern for my clan scarf and have been reading through it and was confused already! I knew I wouldn't be up for the sweater! It occurred to me after reading this thread that the people who knit these sweaters in Ireland have been knitting their entire lives and most likely do not use a pattern. Being able to knit an Aran sweater and being able to write a clear correct pattern for one are two different skill sets. When I made a simple Aran type sweater from and American pattern, it stretched my knitting and pattern reading skills quite a bit. There were honestly places where I was rather lost and just had to "wing it" to make sure the stitch count came out right. It seems that Aran sweaters are perhaps more art than science...
😊 PS I had to switch to my laptop to post this - on my phone it would not show the checkboxes for privacy and age.

Jan 14, 2024
All back rows
by: Anonymous

If not all ready answered, I assume all back rows means on the wrong side eg in standard stocking stitch this would be the purl row.



"All back rows follow sts" means to knit the knit sts and to purl the purl sts.


Dec 08, 2023
Kelly knitting pattern
by: Connie

Does anyone know what it means when in the directions it just says Cross. It's not in the terms



I'm not sure. It could be cross left or cross right. In general, a pattern usually mentions knitting terms at the beginning or the end of the pattern.


Aug 03, 2023
I'm so glad I'm not alone!
by: Anonymous

I, too, had major issues with a pattern (Hayes) from Aran Sweater Market. I had to re-write parts of the pattern and the joining instructions are barely there or understandable.

Mar 02, 2023
Finished 2!!
by: Mjlap

I posted here a few years ago, and did just what I said...created (trial and error) an excel spreadsheet for the pattern for each piece (Front, back and sleeve). The sweaters ended up beautiful and I enjoyed the pattern once I figured it out. I believe "following the stitches" means to knit the purls and purl the knits to keep a stockinette stitch pattern. Good luck.

Mar 02, 2023
Issue w/ ClanAran "Flynn" pattern
by: JaeJibe

I am having the same problem as everyone else on this thread. The stitches don't tally with the cast on.

I'm afraid I still don't understand the answer to the Diamond-related question about "and all back rows follow stitches." for example, does that mean if I knit on the right side, I will also knit on the back side, or does it mean I will purl on the reverse of the knit, as that a purl is what I'm looking at when working on the wrong side. Also, how does one "knit the same" on the back of a cable?

Frustrated, but feeling better knowing I'm not alone!

Oct 29, 2022
Flawed Pattern
by: Anonymous

Hi - I too have had many issues with this pattern (different Clan name). I ended up having to adjust how many stitches I cast on as the pattern did not fit with the amount they mentioned. I think the pattern is flawed and that they possibly have not been quality tested/trialled.
I contacted the company by email with my questions and basically was told "I'm not really a knitter so I can't help you". I took the pattern to my local yarn shop and we sat for 30 mins trying to work it all out - and couldn't. Now that I have the correct amount of stitches, the pattern is working. Fingers crossed when comes the time to shape for the sleeve! A work in progress. Please write to the company - it is not ok that the product does not work for so many people, and with different clan versions as well.
Good luck

Jul 19, 2022
Worst pattern ever
by: Anonymous

I too purchased the Malone clan sweater and the plaque. I have ripped back so many times. I I think I should just give up but I really want to make this sweater. I just don’t understand it. I’m glad to read so many people are having the same problem. I think they should send via e mail new directions to anyone that bought these. Please someone HELP it tells you to follow some of the statements. Do you purl all the rest when working the wrong side?????

Mar 22, 2021
I am struggling with this pattern too
by: Mjlap

Love to see an update on how Marie's sweaters are coming along. I think I am going to have to create my own line by line instructions from the one's they gave me...

Feb 21, 2021
This is the worst pattern ever
by: Anonymous

I have knit a lot and never had any trouble reading a pattern. I purchased the Malone clan pattern and I’m on my 3rd rip back and I’m not even half way up on the back. I also purchased the plaque and the the piece of sweater on that looks different to the picture of the sweater. I’m so confused I’m not sure what to do with this.

Apr 12, 2018
one more question
by: Ratchadawan

Yes, they'll be different sizes of diamond panels.


Apr 11, 2018
one more question
by: marie Kelley

thank you very much Ratcha, my only question now is, will there be 2 sized Diamond Panel on the sweater one has 16sts and the other has 18sts.

Apr 11, 2018
Can't understand Aran Sweater Directions
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Marie,

"All back rows follow sts" means to knit the knit sts and to purl the purl sts.

The diamonds panel patterns tell you to repeat those rows are just the way the patterns are written. I see many of those in the stitch patterns. They have to say which rows to repeat to get the complete or the right look. e.g. some patterns repeat from row 2-x instead of row 1-x, something like that.

It doesn't mean you will have to repeat it once for this sweater, you'll probably have to do more than that. This will depend on the size and length of your chosen sweater.

So, don't worry about the length of the sweater. It'll be fine.

Thank you for stopping by and share your question. I'll email you a link to this post personally. You'll probably get one from the auto notification too.

Best to your Project!


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