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How to turn then pass stitch over

by Julie Taylor
(England )

I am working 3 rows turning leaving 4 stitches unworked then I have to do this
Row 13: p4, turn leaving 4 sts unworked at the end of the row (12 sts)
turn = Turn the work so the right side is facing you to work row 14.

Row 14: k4, pass the 2nd st on the right-hand needle over the 1st st on the right-hand needle four times, k the rem 4 sts on the row (8 sts)

I do not know how to pass the 2nd stitch over the first when I have 8 stitches on my right hand needle?

Please can you help me?
I am knitting arms for a bee.


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Apr 26, 2020
Pass stitch over
by: Ratchadawan

You’re welcome, Julie. I’m glad it works out. Thank you for letting me know.


Apr 26, 2020
How to Turn and pass stitch over Thanks to Ratcha
by: Julie

Hi Ratcha
Thanks so much for your advice, it was easy to follow your instructions. I was counting my first stitch as the one at the beginning which was confusing me, I have managed to do it now so thanks

Apr 25, 2020
How to turn then pass the stitch over
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Julie,

So, you now have 8 sts on your right-hand needle. You count the first st at the tip of the needle as your first st and the one next to it on the right as a second st.

Pass that second st over the first. Now you have done 1 passover, Keep doing the same thing to the next 3 sts. You should end up with 4 sts on the right-hand needle.

I hope this works out for you. Thank you for sending in your question.
Have a nice day!


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