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how To turn on unworked sts.

by Nancy McGee
(Raleighnc )

After knitting 12 sts and do a decrease, pattern call to leave other sts unworked and turn.
How Do I do a turn?

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Nov 16, 2020
you're welcome
by: Ratchadawan

You're welcome, Nancy. I'm so glad you've got the booties done. I felt bad that I didn't have time to make a video showing you how to do that but you didn't need it after all. Thank you so much for getting back to me.


Nov 15, 2020
How to turn
by: Nancy McGee

Hi Ratcha
Thanks for help on how to turn in knitting.
Your explanation was easy to understand and helpful.
I have finished the baby booties and they are perfect.
So glad I found this website.

Nov 12, 2020
leave stitches unworked and turn
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Nancy,

It just like the way it says, you turn your work even though you still have stitches left on the left needle. So, you go ahead flip the work or turn the work whichever you call it and start follow the rest of instruction. This is a type of short row work. You'll be turning back and forth and work off the rest of the left over stitches. You'll see this happens soon.


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