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How to Substitute Stretchy yarn for Worsted weight wool

by louise R Williams
(Durham NC USA)

stretchy yarn

stretchy yarn

I am trying to make a hat that calls for worsted weight wool. I would like to use Stretchy Yarn instead. Is there a specific type of stretchy yarn comparable to this? Thank you

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Mar 11, 2021
Substituting stretchy yarn for worsted weight wool
by: Anonymous

Thank you.

Mar 11, 2021
substitute worsted weight wool for stretchy yarn
by: Ratchadawan


You can use any worsted weight stretchy yarn you like. The most important thing is to get the one with a similar gauge. Look for yarn #3 or #4 and then check your gauge before you knit.

I personally thing stretchy yarn is harder to work with. With knitting you can produce pretty stretchy hat with regular wool and even more stretchy with ribbing patterns.

Here are two example of stretchy yarns you can take a look at;

Fixation Solids by Cascade Yarns

Yarn Bee Comfy Classic Yarn

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