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How to shape sweater armhole

by Deborah
(Ontario Canada )

My pattern says bind off 2 stitches on the next two rows. Place the 53 stitches on a holder. Then title of next section is Left front, cast on 33 stitches. What will is being used for the cast on and where do these new cast on stitches go?
I see the directions are repeated at the end of this too.

Thank you

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Dec 07, 2020
Sweater pattern question
by: Ratchadawan

His Deborah,

It sounded like you just finished knitting the back piece of a cardigan sweater. Now you'll begin a new piece which is the left front separately. Once you're done with the left side, you'll then make the right side. Then seam all these pieces together together.

For now, you can forget about the back piece. You can leave that ball of yarn with the back piece because you'll need it to the neck edge later on. Start a new ball of yarn to cast on for the left front separately and work per direction.

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