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How to Shape shoulders and Neck Instructions

Please help in the following knitting instructions (pattern from the UK)

In My knitting pattern it says to

I think I understand this instruction: NOTE: I have 175 sts on needles
"Cast off 5 sts begin of next 6 rows then 5 sts beg 6 its at beg of followers 12 rows"
It says I should have 73 sts after working the instruction

Need Help on the following instruction:
Next row (RS) Cast off 6 sts, K until there are 10 sts on right needle and turn, leaving rem sts on a holder. Work each side of neck separately
Cast off 4 sts at beg of next row
Cast off rem 6 sts
With RS facing, rejoin yarn to rem sts, Cast off centre 41 tsK to end
Complete to match first side, reversing shaping.

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Jan 24, 2021
shoulder and neck instruction
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Janet,

According to the pattern, At this point you're to bind off only 5 sts at the beginning of the next row row and then knit until you have 22 sts left on the left needle. Yes, it is sounded like the first 5st bind off will be on the right side.

It looks like you're at the beginning of armhole bind off and get ready to work the neck edges separately.

Thanks for the question and happy knitting!


Jan 22, 2021
shoulder & neck instructions done seperately
by: Janet

uk pattern in English says cast off 5 sts,k until you have 22 sts left. does that mean you cast off 5 sts on shoulder edge edge rs row till you have 22 sts left. I have total of 82 sts and suppose to do each side of neck seperately. That would give me 41 sts each side right?

Feb 12, 2020
Thank you!
by: Chriss

Thank you so much; it helped...

Feb 11, 2020
Shape shoulder and neck instruction
by: Ratchadawan

Need Help on the following instruction:
Next row (RS) Cast off 6 sts, K until there are 10 sts on right needle and turn, leaving rem sts on a holder. Work each side of neck separately
Cast off 4 sts at beg of next row
Cast off rem 6 sts
With RS facing, rejoin yarn to rem sts, Cast off centre 41 tsK to end
Complete to match first side, reversing shaping.


So, you have 73 sts on the needle and now you're working on the next row of the right side.
Cast off 6st, k10. Place the rest of the remaining sts on a st holder. Now you'll be working with sts on the right needle only.
Next row (neck edge, wrong side): Cast off 4 sts, work to end.
Next row: cast off remaining 6st. You're done with this side. you can trim off the yarn now.

Now, transfer sts on stitch holder back on the left needle. Attach a yarn, Cast off the 41 sts (center part of the front neck), K to the end.
Next row (wrong side): work straight.
Next row (right side): Cast off 4 st, work to end.
Next row: Cast off remaining 6 sts.

There you have it!


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