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How to match a raglan sleeve to the body of the sweater

by Elaine
(Ottawa, Ontario)

the back is on the left, the sleeve on the right

the back is on the left, the sleeve on the right

Back: After knitting 128 Sts in pattern for 16.5 inches(incl ribbing) I casted off 6 Sts at the beg of the next 2 rows then decreased 2 stitches every 2nd row until 62 Sts remained and then decreased 2 stitches every row until 40 Sts remained).

Sleeve: After knitting 90 Sts in pattern for 17 inches(incl the ribbing), the instructions are: cast off 6 Sts at the beg of the next 2 rows -then work raglan to match Back length leaving 12 Sts at top of sleeve

I did the decreases of 2 stitches every 2nd row until 62 Sts remained and then decreased 2 stitches every row until reaching the required 12 Sts. BUT the back’s raglan’s edge is 3 inches longer than the sleeve’s raglan edge.

So I know I have redo the sleeve but the question is how/where do I lengthen the raglan on the sleeve? It seems like if I make the sleeve any longer it will be up to my ears!!!

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May 28, 2021
problem solved (I think!)
by: Anonymous

Thank you Ratcha for your suggestions. I kept reviewing the instructions and finally the light went on!! For the sleeve it was "work raglan to match Back Length leaving 12 Sts at top".
For the Back the raglan was "reduce 2 Sts every 2nd row to 62 Sts remaining" and then "now work raglan on both front and back thus: reducing 2 stitches every row until 40 Sts remaining".
I.e. I was only supposed reduce 2 Sts on every row on the FRONT AND BACK pieces, not on the sleeves!!!!!
I ripped out the rows in the sleeve to where I had started to reduce on every row and then knitted reducing only on every row and voila! The edges now match!! The sleeve has 2 more rows than the back. Thanks again for your help.
No longer having a mother or grandmother to ask and no friends that are knitters, I really appreciate having this opportunity to ask questions about the weird and wonderful pattern instructions in knitting. Elaine.

May 26, 2021
how to match raglan sleeve and body
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Elaine,

The sweater looks beautiful!
I think there must have been a problem somewhere along the way there. I'm not sure what.

The first thing you could do is to count rows from 6sts decrease and see how many rows each pieces has. It might just be because the edge stitches are more tight on one of them.

I did some math and the sleeve is suppose to be about 4 rows longer than the back.
Measure the armhole length of the back to see if it's a match with the pattern. If it is then the back is correct.

If there is no mistake on the sleeve part and it still come out short then I think maybe you could try decrease every 2nd row longer than it suggest.

I sure hope you can find a way to work this out. It surely is a love sweater!


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