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How to knit yf skpo

eyelets formed by yf and skp

eyelets formed by yf and skp

I need to add 3 inches doing this stitch I don't want to decrease.

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Apr 14, 2020
Here is a better video on yf and skp
by: Ratchadawan


Apr 13, 2020
yf, skpo
by: Ratchadawan


yf (yarn forward/ yarn at front of work or sometimes yo when working with a knit stitch) and skpo/skp (slip -knit-pass over) are stitch combinations that produce eyelet pattern. I don't know how you want the effect to look like. There are many possible looks that you can make with these stitches.

Here is one example that you can do.

This one is shown in the picture above. It works over an odd number of stitches e.g. 11, 21, 31, etc. Every row should have the same number of stitches as when you start out.

Row 1: K1, *yf, skpo; repeat from * to end of row.
Row 2: Purl.
Row 3: *skpo, yf; repeat from * to last stitch, k1. (Make sure to count your stitch at this point. If you're missing one stitch then it's more likely that you forget to do the last yf before the final k1.)
Row 4: Purl.
Repeat these 4 rows as long as you want and end with row 2 or 4.

Here is a quick video I made. I had so much trouble getting things to work out right today. I was lucky to be able to come up with this little clip.

Have a wonderful day!

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