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How to Knit Rib Stitches To a Crochet Pattern

by Betty
(Toronto, ON, Canada)

I am crocheting a sweater and would like to knit the rib pattern at the bottom of the sweater. How do I pick up the crochet stitches to do the knitting? I hope this makes sense.

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Sep 14, 2018

by: Ratchadawan

Hello Betty,

Thank you for sending in your question. I'm sorry it took me awhile to get back to you. I wanted to write it down in word at first and then I thought it might sound a little more complicate to read. So, I took sometimes to day to make a video for you. It might be longer than I want to but it will be a much more better than me writing words down.

I love the idea of adding ribbing to a crochet sweater. I think your sweater will look fabulous. This is give me an opportunity to pick up my crochet hook again. I would love to make a crochet top for Summer one of these days.

Take care and best to your project!


Oh, Almost forget. Here is a video on how to pick up and knit ribbing on to a crochet piece.

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