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how to knit 3 into a yo

by Hope

My instructions say to knit 3 into a yarn over but when I do its equivalent to wrapping the yarn around 3 times. Is this correct?
I've tried to look for instructions online but can only find how to make a yarn over.

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May 30, 2017
How to knit 3 into a yarn over
by: Ratchadawan

Hello Hope,

The instruction doesn't specify how to do the K3 into YO. It is impossible to do K3 into a st without moving yarn to front and back or knit into the back of a loop. I would suggest making either P1,K1,P1 or K1,P1,K1 into the YO. Both of these methods would give the same ending result with 3 sts in the same st.

If you're not sure how to do them, there are plenty of videos on youtube that can help a lot.

Wishing you the best on your project and thank you for sending in your question.


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