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How to k1, p1 in yo, k1 ?

by Jan


I'm knitting a pretty fingerless gloves that has lace stitches.
How do i knit this instruction: k2, (k1, p1 in yo, k1) 2 times?




Hi Jan,

Work K2, then *K1 P1 into the yo space, then k1 into the next st; then repeat from * one more time.

Does that makes any sense? Hope it helps.


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Oct 15, 2019
by: Anonymous

Show me how to k1 yo p1


Here is a video on youtube for you. The first part show the k1,yo,p1.

Hope this helps!


Oct 14, 2014
(k1, p1 in yo, k1) 2 times
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Jan,

Sorry, I got the first one wrong. I think I got it right this time.
This is what you'll be working on the next row. It should work out perfectly with 12 sts you have on the needle.

k, k, k, p, k, k, p, k, yo, p2tog, k, k.
or K3, P1, K2, p1, k1, yo, p2tog, k2.

The p st should be right over the yo st of the previous row.

Happy knitting!


Oct 10, 2014
K1, p1 in yo, k1
by: Jan

Hello Ratcha,

With 12 stitches on the needle, i was unable to figure out what you meant by knitting "k1 p1 into the yo space".
Could you explain step by step, please?

I forgot to include what the author's note said on this (k1, p1 in yo). She wrote: not in each yo - k1 in first yo, p1 in next

Here's the row to knit with 12 stitches on the needle:

K2, (k1, p1 in yo, k1) 2 times, yo, p2 tog, k2

Thank you!

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