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How to interpret knitting instructions

Hi Ratcha,

I am starting on a knitted doll pattern from the UK but can't begin because I don't understand this line. Please interpret:

1-19. Begin with purl st-st for 19 rows

Do I purl one then st-st one for 19 rows or
purl one row, st-st the next, etc.

Thank you!


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Aug 24, 2021
doll instruction
by: Ratchadawan

You're welcome, Marie! I can feel your excitement. I know she is going to love playing with her lovely grandma-made doll.

Have a great day!

Aug 24, 2021
by: Anonymous

Thank you for your response Ratcha! I will take your advice and try alternating rows.
My knitting needles are supposed to arrive tomorrow.
I’m excited about my first knitting project-a cute, soft, knitted doll for my 18-month old granddaughter.
You’ve been so helpful.
With gratitude,

Aug 23, 2021
doll instruction
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Marie,

It seems to me that the beginning row is purl and follows by knit and purl rows alternately until you have 19 rows of st st.

Have fun knitting!

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