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How to follow instructions to complete pattern for a hooded sweater .

by Christina Viale
(Ashland Ma. USA. )

Pattern reads : finishing neckband @ hood: Sew sleeves to back & front armholes. Starting at center front , k across Sts of right front
Pick up 6 sts up slope, k across sts on holders increasing 6 sts evenly at back, pick up sts down left slope to match, and k across front to center. Work in k1 , p1, ribbing for 1 1/4 “ ending at center front.

Change to o. 8 needles. K 10 sts, k to within 10 sts and at the same time increasing 6 sts evenly , k to center front, turn and continue working back and forth. Next row: K5, P to within 5 sts, K to end. Continue in stocking st with Garter st edges until hood measures 6 1/2 “ from end of ribbing. Fold work in half and bind off stitches tog as follows: Slip sts to be bound off onto dip needles. Put the right sides of work tog and k tog 1 St from each needl, then bind off in usual way. sew side and sleeve seams and seam of cuff lining.

Not understanding this. Thank you for your help in advance. This pattern from old knitting book called Brunswick Babies volum # 696.

Hope you can help.

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Nov 19, 2020
How to complete instruction for hood sweater
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Christina,

Thanks for visiting and sharing your question.
Do you understand this first part?

"Sew sleeves to back & front armholes. Starting at center front , k across Sts of right front
Pick up 6 sts up slope, k across sts on holders increasing 6 sts evenly at back, pick up sts down left slope to match, and k across front to center. Work in k1 , p1, ribbing for 1 1/4 " ending at center front."

This is pretty straight forward. You sew pieces together and then start knitting and picking up stitches around the neck starting from the center front, going around the back and finishing at the center front again. Start out by knit the sts of the center front and then pick up and knit 6 sts along the slope, then knit off the holders and make sure to increase them 6 sts evenly for the back part. Pick up and knit 6 sts off the left slope and then knit across to meet the starting point. Then work in k1 p1 for 1 1/4 ".

For the next part you'll change the needle and work in rows back and forth in rows.

Change to o. 8 needles.
K 10 sts, knit and increase 6 sts evenly before the last 10 st, k 10.

Don't join in round, Now you will turn work and start working on the next row which is the wrong side: K5, P to last 5 st, k 5.
Then on the next row (right side), you would knit all sts.
You just keep doing these 2 rows until you hood is 61/2" from the end of ribbing.
Divide hood into 2 halves and place each half on dpn needle. Then fold these halves with the right side together. You would have 2 dpns holding stitches next to each other.

Now do the 3 needle bind off method. ( see video below). And finish off work by seams the sides and sleeves.

I hope this helps. If you need help on how to pick up and knit, you can head to YouTube. There are many videos on this topic.

Have a fun knitting day!

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