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how to finish a hoodie without the hood

I was going to knit a hoodie, started my project and realized I don't have enough yarn to make the hood part, how can I just put this into a sweater.
The pattern is from Lion Brand but the yarn was from Purl Soho. Can you help me out?

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Apr 28, 2020
how to finish a hoodie without the hood.
by: Ratchadawan


Hmmm I'm wondering how the hoodie would look like with a different color and a type of yarn. Maybe you should give it a try.

Another alternative is to finish the neck edge off with a ribbing band. You have to pick up stitches around the neck edge after you have joined shoulder seams of front and back pieces together. Then do k2, p 2, or k1, p1. using a 16-inch circular needle is probably the way to go. You can make about 1/2 - 1-inch long band depending on what you like.

Have fun with the hoodie. Thanks for stopping by.


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