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How to decrease k1p1 so that it looks neatly

by Mary
(St francus Bay South Africa)

I am knitting a beannie in K1 P1. I have cast on 112 stitches (Multiples of 4) on straight needles.
How do I decrease leaving neat finish.
I hope you can help me and if so, I look forward to hearing from you.
Thank you

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Nov 25, 2022
How to decrease ribbing k1p1 so that it looks neatly
by: Ratchadawan

Hello Mrs Mary,

Thanks for the question and visit.
To decrease this k1p1 ribbing in a neat way is to make sure that the knit stitches are always on top of the purl stitches. You hat is 112 stitches and it makes sense to decrease every 10 sts. (leaving 1 st on each end for salvage st)

You can try the crown decrease I calculated for you below;

Row 1: K1(work p1k1 4 times with a total of for 8sts, then k2tog) repeat what is in the parentheses to the last st, p1. (112-11 = 101sts left)

Row 2-4: purl the purl rows, knit the knit rows.

Row 5: k1 (k7, k2tog) repeat ( ) to last st, p1. (101-11 = 90)

Row 6: Purl

Row 7: k1 (k6,k2tog) Repeat ( ) to last st, p1. 90-11 = 79sts

Row 8: Purl.

Row 9: k1(k5,k2tog) Repeat ( ) to last st, p1. 79-11 = 68sts

Row 10: Purl

Row 11: k1(k4,k2tog) Repeat ( ) to last st, p1. 68-11 = 57sts

Row 12: Purl

Row 13: k1(k3,k2tog) Repeat ( ) to last st, p1. 57-11 = 46sts

Row14: Purl

Row 15: k1(k2,k2tog) Repeat ( ) to last st, p1. 46-11 = 35sts

Row 16: Purl

Row 17: k1(k2tog) Repeat ( ) to last st, p1. 35-11 = 24sts

Row 18: P1, (p2tog) repeat ( ) to last st, k1. 24- 11 = 13 sts.

Row 19: k1, k2tog, k2, k2tog, k2, k2tog, p1. Cut yarn leaving about 10 inches.

place 9 sts on a holder. Sew seam of the hat. Run a yarn through the 9 sts a few times and pull tight. Weave in all ends.

I hope I count the stitches right.

Have fun knitting!!


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