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How to decrease every row 0 times?

by Lucie Green
(Cork, Ireland)

I’m knitting my first ever clothing item. It’s a wrap cardigan by amy herzog & the decreasing on the fromt has me stumped, please can you explain it to me in laymans terms? I’ll put my sizes in brackets ().
“Decrease 1 st at neck edge this row, every row 0 (0) times, every other row 28 (52) times, then every 4 rows 5 (0) times.”

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Feb 10, 2019
How to decrease every row 0 time
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Lucie,

Decrease 0 time means you don't have to do any decrease at all. Just skip to the next step which is decrease 1st at neck edge every other row 28 times for smaller size or 52 times for the larger size. Then after that you then decrease every 4 row 5 times or 0 times according to your size.

Thank you for visiting and your question. Have a wonderful knitting!


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