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How to continue knitting with stitches on holders

On a website found a knit pattern for a baby sweater. It tells me to put a number of stitches on a holder like 3 separate sections what does it mean when she wants you to continue knitting on the remaining stitches across the ones on holders?

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Nov 11, 2019
Continue knitting remaining sts after placing them on holder.
by: Ratchadawan

I hope I understood it right. you want to continue knitting after you place certain number of sts on a holder, right? In that case, you want to join a new yarn and knit the rest of the sts after the holder. You can use a new ball of yarn of or if you only have one ball of yarn then you just cut the yarn right after the holder. Make sure to leave a little bit of tail so it won't fall apart.

I hope this is the answer you're looking for. Thanks for visiting and questioning.


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