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How may stitches do I Cast on to start an infants earflap on a knitted hat?

by Norma Halvarson
(Madison Wisconsin usa)

a boy wearing a hat with earflaps

a boy wearing a hat with earflaps

I’m knitting a baby’s hat that has ear flaps. Could you give me instructions how to start knitting them. How many stitches do I cast on to begin. The ties are already finished

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Feb 09, 2024
How many sits to cast on for earflap on a baby hat
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Norma,

Its depends on you yarn gauge. I think it's about 3-4 inches at the widest part. It's better for you to get a completed pattern for the hat than me telling you. There are many cute patterns you can choose from. Here is one that start out from a tie and up. Berroco.com baby hat

and you can check out many baby hat collection here too; Pinterest baby hat with flaps

I hope you find a pattern you like. Happy knitting!

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