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How do I work an ssk and ssp instruction?

by Rita Cox
(Rye, England)

I am knitting a scallop edged wrap by Kate Samphier and there is an instruction that isn't clear, it is ssk and ssp, in the explanation it reads slip slip knit and slip slip purl. Does this mean slip two stitches in a knitwise (or purlwise manner). I can't fathom out quite what this means. The pattern can be found in a book called 'Pretty Knits' if you could describe what the instructions means I would be very grateful.

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Apr 30, 2019
How to work an SSK and SSP
by: Ratchadawan

Hello Rita,

To work SSK is to slip the next 2 sts knitwise on to right needle, then insert left needle into front of these two sts and knit them together.

To work SSP is to slip the next 2 sts purlwise onto right needle, then insert left needle into back of these 2 sts and and purl them together.

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