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How do I W.b.n, Purl 2 tog


I have an old Patons SC76 -2 pattern
This is the second row of the Lace border or the second row of the
Centre of the babies shawl
This is started at the beginning of the row

As far as I know, the abbreviations mean
Wool Behind Needle but I do not know how to do this

Margaret McCall

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Dec 19, 2020
w.b.n. p2tog.
by: Ratchadawan

Hello Margaret,

Thank you for educating me on w.b.n. (wool behind needle). I've never heard of this term until now. I would confidently say this is the same as yb (yarn at back of work).

To do w.b.n, p2tog, you would place the yarn at back of work, just as you ready to knit. But this time you'll be purling instead. So, you then purl 2 sts together while the yarn is still at the back. This will make the first st to look like a loop or eyelet. You won't see it very well until you complete the next row.

I've seen these opposite method with yf (yarn at front), k2tog to make the loop at the beginning of a row.

I hope you'll get the rest of the lace done soon. Thanks for visiting and questioning.


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