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How do I tighten up my stitches?

by Lynn Anderson
(Meredith, NH. USA)

I've tried knitting a few different sweaters, but have to tear them apart. Maybe I have the wrong type yarn, but I knit a swatch and measure (I have a little metal gadget with the inches, etc) and though the swatch seems to be alright, after I'm knitting for a while it seems loose, and I can't seem to get the tension right as the stockinette side looks uneven and holey. Very stretchy also. I do love the soft yarns; the types I have are JoyDK, Nako Calico, and Cascade Ultra Pima. Not sure about the grams and yardage because they seem to be English or other countries yarns.

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Jun 20, 2018
How do I tighten up my stitches?
by: Ratchadawan


Soft yarns and chenille yarn are more difficult to handle, I think. You just have to make sure to pull yarn a little more tighter than usual. Some people knit tight and some knit loose. You could try to use a slightly smaller size needle and see if this helps eliminate the holes.

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