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How do I stop sides from curling in?

by Catherine
(Hartsville, SC)

If I am just knitting long rectangles for lap robes for people in wheelchairs or a prayer shawl that just wraps around the shoulders on my old single bed knitter, the sides roll to the center on both sides when I cast off and have it the size i need? I can't make a gift out of a knitted tube. If I make only stocking caps it isn't such a problem but scarves are.

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Mar 14, 2020
How do I stop sides from curling in
by: Ratchadawan

If adding a border around it is not an option then the best way is to lightly steam it with steamer or steam iron. Don't place iron on it. Just let the steam do the work. I found this very helpful and I use it every time I need to flatten down my stockinette piece or when I'm doing a swatch. Some people find it helpful to pin the piece down to make it easier but I usually don't do that. Maybe I should.

There are quite a few video showing on Youtube. You can google them.

Thanks for your question and best to you.


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