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How do i sl1 p52 ybk sl1 yfwd turn

by Beverley Lee
(Hyson green nottingham united kingdom)

Hope you can help me can you please email me back please with the answer my email address is Beverleylee133gmail.com thank you

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Jul 29, 2022
How do i sl1 p52 ybk sl1 yfwd turn
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Beverley,

First, slip a stitch from your left hand needle onto your right hand needle. (slip a stitch is just to pass a stitch from on needle to another without doing and work. Make sure the stitch is not twisting.)
Then p 52 sts, bring yarn to the back of work, then slip a stitch, then bring yarn to the front. Carefully turn your work so that you front of work become back of work. Follow the rest of the instruction.

Hope this is help.


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